HAD-WHRBT ] Firetube Waste Heat Boiler of Sulfuric Acid Pant
This program is designed to design the Waste Heat Boiler (WHB) under flue gas conditions. It is a fire tube type boiler that recovers this heat by flowing high temperature waste gas inside tube. The gas pass can be made up to 3 passes. The components of the waste gas can be calculated in the following common clean gas and other waste gas conditions such as CO, SO2, SO3, and H2S.

* Thermal Design Calculation of Smoke Tube Type Waste Heat Boiler. Ver. 2.0 *
Customer : Project
Service : Sulfur_Plants
- Flue Gas Compositions
( Vol% / Wt% )
N2 0.0000 0.0000
H2 0.0000 0.0000
CH4 0.0000 0.0000
C2H6 0.0000 0.0000
C3H8 0.0000 0.0000
iC4 0.0000 0.0000
nC4 0.0000 0.0000
C5+ 0.0000 0.0000
H2S 0.0000 0.0000
HCL 18.1771 11.8269
H2O 1.7215 1.9895
O2 71.2086 72.0486
N2 8.8928 14.1347
CO2 0.0000 0.0000
CO 0.0000 0.0000
SO2 0.0001 0.0003
Flue Gas Side Conditions
Flue Gas Flow Rate kg/hr 13171.00
Nm3/hr 16270.93
Density kg/Nm3 1.2354
Inlet Temperature degC 412.00
Outlet Temperature degC 252.50
Ave.Cp of Flue Gas kcal/kg-C 0.2838
Inlet Pressure mmAq 100.00
Total Heat Quantity of Gas kca/hr 736414.31
Total Heat Loss kca/hr 1472.83
Total Heat Loss % 0.2000
Outlet Pressure mmAq 6.6837
Water/Steam Side Conditions
Design Pressure kg/cm2-g 7.00
Operating Pressure kg/cm2-g 5.00
Operating Steam Temp. degC 158.29
Steam Enthalpy kcal/kg 657.99
Feed Water Temp. degC 20.00
Feed water Enthaply kcal/kg 20.03
Reference Temp. degC 20.00
Total Heat Absor. of W/S kca/hr 734941.50
Boiler Steam Capacity kg/hr 1152.03
* Geometry *
Flue Gas Psses - 1 2
Heating Surface(Tube outside) m2 45.7 45.7
Frontal Area of Tube inside(G) m2 0.3038 0.3038
Tube Material A178 GrA A178 GrA
Tube Diameter mm 50.80 50.80
Smoke Tube Min Thickness mm 2.90 2.90
Pitch of Smoke Tube mm 80.00 80.00
Tube Length mm 1500.00 1500.00
Number of Smoke tubes 191. 191.
Volume per tube m3/tube 0.002386 0.002386
Requred Plate Diameter mm 1460.99 1460.99
* Heat Transfer *
Flue Gas Psses - 1 2
Gas Liner Vel. Nm/sec 12.04 12.04
Gas Mass Vel. kg/m2-sec 14.88 14.88
Cpm of Flue Gas(Tgm) kcal/kg-C 0.28599 0.28012
Cpm of Flue Gas(Temp_m) kcal/kg-C 0.28537 0.27976
K of Flue Gas(Temp_m) kcal/m-sec-C 0.14729E-04 0.13675E-04
Vis. of Gas kg/m-sec 0.27963E-04 0.25578E-04
K of Tube kcal/h-m-C 46.63 46.99
Reynolds No. - 23943.9 26176.6
LMTD degC 196.08 119.49
Mean Gas Temp.(Tgm) degC 354.37 277.78
Flue Gas Psses - 1 2
Fouling Factor(W) hr-m2-C/kcal 0.000200 0.000200
Fouling Factor(gas) hr-m2-C/kcal 0.003000 0.003000
1/Ro Steam Side kcal/hr-m2-C 2068.2971 1768.9626
1/(Rio+Rwo) Gas Side kcal/hr-m2-C 52.7996 51.8871
Uo Overall Heat Tranf.kcal/hr-m2-C 51.4852 50.4085
Q_ABSORPTION kcal/hr 461588.9 275398.1
Gas Temp. of Inlet degC 412.00 312.90
Gas Temp. of Outlet degC 312.90 252.50
Ex mm 0.400000 0.400000
DP of FireTube length mmAq 22.70 19.83
DP of Tube Inlet mmAq 10.96 9.37
DP of Tube Outlet mmAq 16.06 14.40
Total Pressure Dp of Tube mmAq 49.71 43.61 93.32