HAD-WHRB_OIL ] WHRU Thermal-Fluid Heater
This program can design the Waste Heat Recovery Unit (WHRU) under flue gas inlet conditions. The fluid in the tube inside can be set to various oils. In addition, the property values of the set oil can be input in the separate domains with respect to the temperature-related physical properties (density, heat transfer coefficient, specific heat, enthalpy, and viscosity). It can be applied by connecting bare tube and finned tube. It is designed to input pattern of flow of internal fluid oil. The current calculation is to be calculated as mean Cp (mean specific heat) at heat transfer calculations on the oil side.

* Thermal Design Calculation of Heat Recovery oil Heater. Ver. 2.0 *
Title : PHASE_II
Case : Design_Case
Gas Analysis (Weight Fraction)/(Volume Fraction)
CO2 SO2 N2 H2O O2 Ar
0.04727 0.00000 0.73526 0.04370 0.16129 0.01248
0.03060 0.00000 0.74777 0.06911 0.14361 0.00890
GAS SIDE Heater Heater
GAS FLOW kg/hr 154795. 154795.
INLET PRESSURE mmAq 98.1 93.5
PRESSURE DROP mmAq 4.6 93.5
INLET TEMPERATURE deg C 487.0 468.4
OUTLET TEMPERATURE deg C 468.4 233.6
TEMPERATURE DIFF. deg C 18.6 234.8
SPECIFIC HEAT kcal/kg-C 0.2715 0.2646
HEAT REJECTED MW 0.91 11.18 12.09
HEAT REJECTED Gcal/hr 0.78 9.62
SETTING LOSS % 1.0000 1.0000
FOULING FACTOR m2-hr-c/kcal 0.00000 0.00000
TUBE SIDE Heater Heater
FLUID FLOW kg/hr 125334. 125334.
INLET PRESSURE(abs) bar 9.30 9.81
OUTLET PRESSURE(abs) bar 9.11 9.30
TUBE PRESSURE DROP bar 0.18 0.51
INLET TEMPERATURE deg C 282.6 140.8
OUTLET TEMPERATURE deg C 293.1 282.6
TEMPERATURE DIFF. deg C 10.5 141.8
HEAT ABSORBED MW 0.90 11.07 11.96
HEAT ABSORBED Gcal/hr 0.77 9.52
FOULING FACTOR m2-hr-c/kcal 0.00000 0.00000
ATEMP FLOW kg/hr 0. 0.
BLOWDOWN % 0.00 0.00
Pinch Point deg C 175.34 -49.01
Aproach Point deg C 10.48 141.79
Gas Side
Inlet Velocity m/sec 12.0 23.0
Outlet Velocity m/sec 11.7 15.7
Max Fin Temp deg C 0.0 360.8
Max Tube Temp deg C 301.2 332.3
Min tube Temp deg C 290.4 165.6
Max cal. inside film temp. deg C 299.5 313.0
Oil Side
Inlet Velocity m/sec 1.8 1.6
Outlet Velocity m/sec 1.9 1.8
* Thermal Design Calculation of Heat Recovery oil Heater. Ver. 2.0 *
Title : LNG_Ter._PHASE_II
GAS SIDE Heater Heater Total
Heating Surface m2 77.6 3129.7 3207.3
Finned Outside Surface Area m2/m 0.3591 4.6476
Tube Diameter mm 114.30 114.30
Tube Min Thickness mm 6.0200 6.0200
Tube Length mm 6000.0 6000.0
Tube Material A106 Gr.A&B A106 Gr.A&B
Tube Design Temp (Standard) C 315. 346.
Number of Transverse Tubes 12 12 144
Transverse Spacing mm 203.200 203.200
Number of tubes on w/steam side 1. 1.
Number of tube passes 3. 9.
Number of Longitudinal Rows 3. 9.
Longitudinal Spacing mm 203.200 203.200
Tube Arrang.(1=Stagg,2=lnline) 1. 1.
Finned Type.(0=No,1=Solid,2=Serr) 0. 1.
Fin Height mm 0.0000 25.4000
Flow Type.(C=1,P=2) 1. 1.
Fin Thickness mm 0.0000 2.5000
Fin pitch mm Infinity 5.0761
Fin per Meter ea/m 0.00 197.00
Fin per Inch ea/in 0.00 5.00
Fin Material C. Steel C. Steel
Fin Segment mm 0.00000 0.00000
Fin Base Height mm 0.00000 0.00000
Width of HRSG m 2.3360 2.3360
Baffle of Inner Casing mm 0.00000 0.00000
* Heat Transfer (Oil) *
HEAT ABSORBED(LMTD) Gcal/hr 0.773147 9.415923
HEAT ABSORBED(Correc.) Gcal/hr 0.773147 9.415923 10.189071
U Correction factor 1.0000 1.0000
UO kcal/m2-hr-c 52.505817 22.458452
UO X U Corr f kcal/m2-hr-c 52.505817 22.458452
RTO m2-hr-C/kcal 0.0190455 0.0445267
RO m2-hr-C/kcal 0.0182484 0.0326107
RWO m2-hr-C/kcal 0.0001496 0.0019325
RIO m2-hr-C/kcal 0.0006476 0.0099835
HC kcal/m2-hr-c 49.631981 37.335247
HR kcal/m2-hr-c 5.167428 0.508745
HO kcal/m2-hr-c 54.799408 37.843994
HI kcal/m2-hr-c 1726.027 1505.885
KW kcal/m-hr-c 42.490646 44.230061
KF kcal/m-hr-c 43.438301 43.438301
Fin Efficiency 0.000000 0.802857
Enthapy of Inlet Flue Gas kcal/kg 122.32 117.27
Enth. of Outlet Flue GAs kcal/kg 117.27 55.14
Enth. of Inlet Hot Oil kcal/kg 165.50 68.26
Enth. of Outlet Hot Oil kcal/kg 171.67 144.23
Inlet Condition of tube inside fluid =
Dens. of tube inside fluid kg/m3 766.84 874.00
Vis. of tube inside fluid cP 0.19870 0.49640
Cp of tube inside fluid kJ/kg-k 2.45152 2.02944
Cond. of tube inside fluid W/m-k 0.08389 0.10568
Entha. of tube inside fluid kJ/kg 692.90851 285.79205
Outlet Condition =
Dens. of tube inside fluid kg/m3 758.93 766.84
Vis. of tube inside fluid cP 0.19347 0.19870
Cp of tube inside fluid kJ/kg-k 2.48189 2.45152
Cond. of tube inside fluid W/m-k 0.08221 0.08389
Entha. of tube inside fluid kJ/kg 727.62421 692.90851
Cp of flue gas(in) kJ/kg-degC 1.138990 1.134658
Cp of flue gas(out) kJ/kg-degC 1.134658 1.081388