HAD-CYCLONE ]Cyclone Design Program
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The Program is HAD-Cyclone that can be designed Cyclone for gas/air flow with dust/solid phase. We made program based on
VDI. We know pressure drop and efficiency of cyclone for operate this program.
ex) Cyclone of CFBC Boiler, Dust Collector
Title Name
Design Case Basus_BOOK
Changed Data. Outer Diameter Cyclone D_a
Outer Diameter Cyclone D_a m 4.5000 3.5000 4.0833 4.6667 5.2500 5.8333 6.4167 7.0000
Inlet width a m 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000 0.9000
Inlet height b m 2.1000 2.1000 2.1000 2.1000 2.1000 2.1000 2.1000 2.1000
Diameter of gas pipe D_e m 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000
Vortex tube length S m 2.1000 2.1000 2.1000 2.1000 2.1000 2.1000 2.1000 2.1000
height of cylinder h m 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000
Total length of cyclone H m 7.0000 7.0000 7.0000 7.0000 7.0000 7.0000 7.0000 7.0000
Dia. of lower cone openning b m 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000
Outer radius cyclone r_a m 2.2500 1.7500 2.0417 2.3333 2.6250 2.9167 3.2083 3.5000
Radius of gas pipe r_i m 0.7500 0.7500 0.7500 0.7500 0.7500 0.7500 0.7500 0.7500
Average radius of cone r_2 m 1.4500 1.2000 1.3458 1.4917 1.6375 1.7833 1.9292 2.0750
Radius of lower cone opening r_3 m 0.6500 0.6500 0.6500 0.6500 0.6500 0.6500 0.6500 0.6500
Inlet radius r_e m 1.8000 1.3000 1.5917 1.8833 2.1750 2.4667 2.7583 3.0500
Inlet radius bar_r_e m 1.8324 1.3381 1.6264 1.9149 2.2037 2.4930 2.7825 3.0724
Inlet radius r_z m 1.6300 1.2672 1.4795 1.6901 1.8996 2.1085 2.3169 2.5249
Geometric mean radius r_m m 1.2990 1.1456 1.2374 1.3229 1.4031 1.4790 1.5512 1.6202
Cross-sectional area of inlet m2 1.8900 1.8900 1.8900 1.8900 1.8900 1.8900 1.8900 1.8900
Tot. inside aea of the cyc. A_r m2 102.8883 80.1671 93.1254 106.9152 121.5719 137.1270 153.6076 171.0372
Area of cyclone wall A_w m2 63.1007 48.9552 57.1342 65.5190 74.1374 83.0138 92.1697 101.6238
Area during first turn A_e1 m2 14.8440 11.5454 13.4696 15.3938 17.3180 19.2423 21.1665 23.0907
Gas flow rate m3/s 48.0060 48.0060 48.0060 48.0060 48.0060 48.0060 48.0060 48.0060
Gas vel. at cyclone entrance m/s 25.4000 25.4000 25.4000 25.4000 25.4000 25.4000 25.4000 25.4000
Gas density kg/m3 0.3050 0.3050 0.3050 0.3050 0.3050 0.3050 0.3050 0.3050
Gas viscosity kg/m-s 0.4000E-04 0.4000E-04 0.4000E-04 0.4000E-04 0.4000E-04 0.4000E-04 0.4000E-04 0.4000E-04
Solid density kg/m3 2000.0000 2000.0000 2000.0000 2000.0000 2000.0000 2000.0000 2000.0000 2000.0000
Solid diameter micro-m 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000
d_50 micro-m 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000
Load ratio at inlet kg/kg 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000
Wall roughtness k_s mm 4.5000 4.5000 4.5000 4.5000 4.5000 4.5000 4.5000 4.5000
Wall rought. k_s/r_a(if >0.6E-3) 0.200E-02 0.257E-02 0.220E-02 0.193E-02 0.171E-02 0.154E-02 0.140E-02 0.129E-02
Reynolds number of cyclone 10145. 11535. 10753. 9916. 9197. 8598. 8097. 7673.
Gas frc. f of smooth wall f_sm 0.001031 0.000952 0.000994 0.001046 0.001096 0.001143 0.001187 0.001227
Gas f. of Wall roughness f_r 0.003887 0.004302 0.004044 0.003830 0.003647 0.003486 0.003342 0.003210
Gas factor f_air(o) = f_sm+f_r 0.004919 0.005254 0.005038 0.004876 0.004743 0.004629 0.004528 0.004437
Soild factor f_s 0.019674 0.021015 0.020153 0.019504 0.018972 0.018516 0.018113 0.017749
Total friction factor f_w=f_a+f_s 0.024593 0.026269 0.025191 0.024379 0.023715 0.023145 0.022642 0.022186
Volume of entry region V_entry m3 29.6880 16.4934 23.7894 32.2079 41.7488 52.4122 64.1981 77.1065
Annular vol. around C. core V_s m3 30.4420 16.9725 24.4670 32.9771 42.5028 53.0440 64.6009 77.1732
Gas residence time sec 1.3230 0.7364 1.0618 1.4342 1.8534 2.3195 2.8325 3.3924
- Contraction coefficient alpha depends on beta -
Relative width of inlet beta - 0.4000 0.5143 0.4408 0.3857 0.3429 0.3086 0.2805 0.2571
Coeffcient of contraction alpha - 0.9280 0.9153 0.9229 0.9299 0.9362 0.9416 0.9462 0.9503
Axial velocity
Aver. axial vel. in Cyc. v_ax m/s 4.0749 7.8587 5.2150 3.7225 2.7942 2.1763 1.7437 1.4289
Axial velocity at r_x v_i m/s 27.1658 27.1658 27.1658 27.1658 27.1658 27.1658 27.1658 27.1658
Tangentail velocity
Tangentail velocity at r_e u_e m/s 24.3867 24.9000 24.6120 24.2958 23.9815 23.6800 23.3946 23.1262
Tangentail velocity at r_a u_a m/s 21.8963 20.6149 21.4564 22.0458 22.4805 22.8142 23.0784 23.2929
Tangentail velocity at r_2 u_2 m/s 22.8058 21.9361 22.6014 22.8425 22.8212 22.6311 22.3304 21.9575
Tangentail velocity at r_i u_i m/s 32.8526 28.4507 31.3189 33.3650 34.7703 35.6710 36.1750 36.3699
centrifugal acceleation m/s^2 341.1968 431.0430 375.9895 328.3758 288.1017 254.1630 225.4804 201.1127
d_in* for the inlet micro-m 21.6369 24.9846 22.6965 21.3047 20.4436 19.9274 19.6497 19.5444
d_s* for gas outlet pipe mic-m 16.5255 19.0823 17.3347 16.2717 15.6140 15.2198 15.0077 14.9273
Cut size d_e* mic-m 19.0072 19.1990 19.0284 19.0138 19.0830 19.2003 19.3459 19.5084
Separtion efficiency
- Muschelknautz and Greif 1993 / VDI Method -
Load ratio at inlet kg/kg 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000
Exponent for cal. limited load 0.1500 0.1500 0.1500 0.1500 0.1500 0.1500 0.1500 0.1500
Limiting solid concentration kg/kg 0.0083 0.0083 0.0083 0.0083 0.0083 0.0083 0.0084 0.0085
Separation eff. % 99.7934 99.7913 99.7932 99.7933 99.7926 99.7913 99.7897 99.7880
capture eff. % 0.0912 0.0799 0.0871 0.0926 0.0970 0.1004 0.1030 0.1051
Overall Sep. eff. % 99.8846 99.8712 99.8803 99.8860 99.8896 99.8917 99.8928 99.8931
Total solid leaving cyclone g/m3 1.4079 1.5713 1.4608 1.3911 1.3474 1.3214 1.3082 1.3043
Vsec*/V* 0.0879 0.0894 0.0891 0.0873 0.0850 0.0825 0.0799 0.0774
eta(h_T) 0.8879 0.8879 0.8879 0.8879 0.8879 0.8879 0.8879 0.8879
Pressure drop
- Muschelknautz and Greif 1997 -
Dp of Separation . Pa 172.3146 105.5811 144.2414 183.5354 222.3865 260.0742 296.1273 330.2610
Dp od outlet pipe Pa 824.6877 707.6105 782.8137 838.9308 878.6468 904.5976 919.2868 924.9994
Overall Dp Pa 997.0023 813.1917 927.0551 1022.4662 1101.0333 1164.6718 1215.4141 1255.2604