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Heat Aid Design ?

  The website is intended to help you with basic thermal design such as Industrial boilers, HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generators), WHRU(Waste Heat Recovery Units), thermal oil heater and MSW(Municipal Solid Waste) waste heat recovery boiler etc. In order to help the existing general users, we coded the basic thermal design to be controlled by the graphical user interface (GUI). And, we want to help you with your design by solving and explaining the problems you find difficult in designing the related facilities. We offer publicly available programs and programs that are applicable to your business. We will gradually increase the diversity and accuracy of the program. Please check the file of the program and contact us by email ( or Contact Us web-page. In addition to basic thermal design, we will do various work and consultation on design, and we will also help in the related CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) approach. We will continue to support the theoretical knowledge and experience necessary for design. And we will continue to upload training materials.



D-type Water Tube Boiler 

Basic thermal design for water tube boiler.

Oil/gas fuel firing boiler.

Sat. and superheated steam high pressure boiler design

Economizer/gas-air heater

Boiler performance design

HAD-VIB  ; Evaluation Program of Vibration of HRSG/Boiler

1) Natural Freq. 2) Acoustic Freq. 3) Vortex Freq.

4) Critical Velocity 5) Mass damping 

HAD-GTNOISE  ; Evaluation Program of Noise of HRSG

Main source ; flue gas noise of gas turbine outlet

HAD-VENTURI  ; Air Flow meter Design Program

Locate between F.D.Fan and Boiler Windbox.

The above images are made with the CFD analysis program based on FVM (Finite Volume Method). The FVM code was originally written by the author to use FORTRAN computer language and was also published in the AIAA (The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) paper. If you need source code, please click Download Button.

Q) If stacks are not insulated, the heat loss from the casing can be substantial. Also, the stack wall temperature can drop low enough to cause acid dew point corrosion. What would the gas or stack outlet wall temperature be?  

Q) HAD-CYCLONE ; Prabir, Basu., Combustion and gasification in fluidized beds, Taylor & Francis, 2006. // Chapter 12 Gas-Solid Separators  // Download web-page 

#BoilerBasicThermalDesignProgram #WaterNaturalCirculationRatio #VibrationNoiseCheck #HeatMassBalance

#HeatRecoverySteamGenerator  #IndustrialWaterTubeBoiler #WasteHeatRecoveryBoiler #OilandGasFiredBoiler

#SRF #Biomass #CoalFiredBoilerDesign #OilHeater #DuctBurner #HRSG #ComputedFluidDynamicsAnalyses #CycloneProgram

#Pressuredrop #CondensatePreheater #Deaerator #Reheater #Economizer

DaeKyung Energy Engineering Co., LTD. & Heat Aid Design

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

DKE Address : Suite 526, Gasan II SK-V1 AP Tower, Digital 1-ro 16, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea./ Suite 525 ( R&D Center)

Phone : +82-2-6138-2040, Fax : +82-2-6138-2041

COPYRIGHT© 2020 by DKE, 2002 by HeatAidDesign, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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